Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This was supposed to be posted a week ago, but I've been super lazy since I've been sick. Here it finally is though. This weekend, my man put my bookshelf together, and I put some of my books away in it. Here are the products of my addiction:

This was the Empty Space in my Office that prompted me to "need" a new bookshelf.
And those are all the homeless books that needed shelter. 
These are my Paperback Fiction Books.

This is what my new bookshelf looked like before assembly.
(I unfortunately forgot to take pictures of all the pieces, as well as the progress of my man's handiwork, 
so this will have to do.)

I also forgot to take a picture of what the shelf looked like sans books. Oh well.
But here's what it looks like with all my books in it! Yay! 
Isn't it pretty!?!? 
(That's a Cinnamon Cherry finish bookshelf from Canadian Tire.)
If it looks kind of weird, it's because I had to lean it against the frame of my closet because my house is old and the floor is a little crooked in that corner. Let's call it my home's little "quirks."

These are the top two shelves.
They contain some of my favourite fiction books ever (so far).

These are the bottom shelves, full of some of my other favourite fiction books!
(Honestly, I think all my books are my favourites.)

So YAY for new bookshelves. To celebrate, I went out and bought about a dozen books to help fill up some of the "empty spaces." I'll no doubt be filling ALL the spaces of all my shelves soon enough, and will then need yet another new bookshelf. Or a bigger house. We'll see.

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